Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Just read a great blog about "de owning", a comment said that items devalue anyway, forget what it cost me!

How much have I spent only to discard it some time (often not much) later, I want some money back.

I was also part of a church & mistakenly took the whole giving thing too far, way too far!

I have not yet recovered my heartspace from that time. The mistake was in my understanding, I just took things far too literally & did no critical thought myself. I do try & think for myself these days.

In our moving I have been clearing out & going through everything we have. I have passed stuff on. I have 6 chairs on ebay & my sister is buying one couch, though my husband may change his mind on that. I don't have much of value anyway, but I don't have much to show for all the $$ spent either. I'd like to recover some funds or something.

3 weeks to moving day, there are more chairs now than we have ever had.

But I gave away a bag of clothes, kitchen items, some fish knives and a water filter.

I think I'll just make up my mind item by item, I hate policies.