Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm on the road to nowhere!

I feel like I am on the road to nowhere at the moment. We have had zero interest in our house and I keep wondering if it is good timing. I don't know.
I do know we have an open for inspection this weekend, maybe something will ome of that.

Meanwhile I am doing my best with the budget & keep trimming expenses where I can.
Last week I switched health insurers, saving a whopping $60 a month! How about that!
I also wrote to cancel a life policy and they acted promptly, not taking 30 days as expected.

Since we realised we were spending too much we have cut spending on;
private shooling, shoes, food, all insurances (car, home, health), changed accountant, DH moved to a cheaper golf course, cut Zumba, limited childrens extra cirricular activities & spent less on gifts!

We have been following Dave Ramseys babysteps and ae up to Number 3, putting aside 3-6 months of living expenses. I have never had a financial plan before & the focus it has given me has been the impetus behind every change we have made.

So far the hardest change has been moving our son from his Christian School, he loved that school.
He is doing well & seems pretty happy at public school, but it was rough on this mothers heart.

So the going seems tough at the moment, and I feel like I am on the road to nowhere but we have a plan and are making progress.

In the words of Billy Ocean, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going"

Happy Saving!

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22nd

There has been no interest in our house, I waiver between liking that & wanting a smaller scale version.

I have been doing a little gardening which enjoy but which makes me feel attachment to the yard. The yard is fabulous & one of the reason we bought in the firt place. Time will tell.

I am up to the final part of the Tightwad Gazette, what a big fat informative book that is.. It certainly has helped (re)shape my thinking & spending. I also purchased Stop Acting Ricj by Thomas Stanley, I got the kindle version for under $9, and what little I have read had been challenging. I love it!

Bought some reduced turkey wings & made up some cat stew with them. I reckon I should use reduced meat most of the time, would have to work out cheaper. nothing compromised on quality either I can just make it up & then freeze it for future use. I made up 3 lots today, so I have one in the fridge & 2 in the freezerwhich I feel good about.

Have a childs birthday on the weekend & have an item of the boys as the gift. I was feeling really good about it & then another invite arrived today, looks like I may have to buy a gift...but I have time to think.

Has been a good month for low grocery totals but we have more than mad eup for it with the health budget. Those appoitments cost money and health is so precious, what can one do?

Happy Saving!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Keen to sell NOW!

OK, after my detours I am keen to sell. Again. We have over extended ourselves with this house.

Our agent is confident and the vendors (us) are keen (even open to negotiation).

We have our first OFI at 1pm tomorrow, so its fingers crossed.

I'll need a good sleep as I have a big clean up in the morning.

Happy saving! Sending myself positive vibes!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rollercoasters and trains!

The Rollercoaster!

I have ridden the emotional rollercoster of home selling this week.
I'm back on board the train 'journey to debt free living' again now.

I think.

What sent me on the rollercoaster of doubt?

Talking with a neighbor & hearing 'out of my mouth' that you could easily spend 100K on a crappy house to make it nice.

Looking at the cheap houses for sale and really thinking about life inside one of them.

Getting my period and letting my emotions take the lead.

Train to debt free living!

What has me back on board?

Finding a great looking house in our price range with all we want.

Talking to the lady who first motivated me to follow through with selling our house.

DH saying I should return to working at a Bank to help us pay the mortgage, are you kidding?

Hearing myself say I didn't like other houses because they had little pantries.

Back to our goals

I can work with a different size pantry, or buy/build one.

Reduce mortgage. Overall goal is "reduce mortgage." All aboard! This train is now departing!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I have been 'feeling' regretful over leaving this house & it isn't even on yet! I have been 'feeling' gassy & stuffed from overeating and I have been feeling tired.

Feelings, the ones about the house come from having looked online at what sort of house we will likely end up with for our new budget. This place has most everything!

Feeling like I have overeaten, because I have! It causes me indigestion aka heartburn! The more my tummy feels uncomfortable the more I seem to eat, how dumb is that? Last year I lost 20 kilograms & do not want to gain weight, again. This last week I changed my diet due to some food intolerance issues & now I need to revise my plan.

Feeling tired. I had bowen therapy today so my energy should be OK, but I need to get in a good sleep pattern.

I heard Dave Ramsey say on his podcast; "Grown ups make a plan & stick to it while children do whatever feels good"

We are grown ups following a plan to reduce our mmortgage. So while it may be sad, for a time, to give up all the little extras here I see a bigger goal in doing it.

I am grown up for eatting only til satisfied and being mindful of what & how much I am choosing to eat. Grown up Karen shall maintain this leaner weight & maybe even resume losing!

I am taking charge of my health, including my sleep. Not overeating will certainly help as will feeling the peace that comes from making a plan & sticking to it.

So my feelings seemed to be about 3 different things but I have only one answer, make a plan & stick to it.

That is my new plan.

Thank you Mr Ramsey.

Happy Saving!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A New Month

It is August, and I find myself crossing off the months as we get paid monthly!

Today I bought shampoo & conditioner it cost $50. That may sound a lot but it lasts us over months for a family of 4. It is lavender which I love. The market stall holder even threw in 2 free lavender soaps, one for me and one for my heart sister! I posted it this afternoon, finally a gift is on its way!

I also found a singlet top and a lovely skirt at an op shop for $1 each. They fit, but I'm not usually a wearer of skirts due to unshaven legs and lace up shoes (as I have bunions). I can always turn it into a pillow slip like I originally intended.

Spent the morning at the communtiy garden. I used my birthday money to join. I joined to meet fellow gardeners and to learn from others. Today I learnt that they successfully mulch over thick layers of newspaper, that where I went wrong. The rotten kikuya grass just grows through the mulch we have there at the moment, I need some newpaper action. I came home with a bag of organic vegetables after having worked a bit seiving soil & mulching up scraps for the compost. I feel richer already.

I may redo some of the mulched areas here, even though the house is for sale, I need the practice. I can do it for my own pleasure and experience.

Very tired tonight after a poor sleep and some physical labor, though not too intense.

Happy saving!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Selling Real Estate!

Well we have the signs up and have a contract with the agent, but DH thinks the starting or listing price is too high! Should we drop it before it even gets out there?

I think the agent is a professional and she is working for fixed rate, and that we should leave it at the high price for the month of August & see what happens.

It is the largest single item I have ever been involved in selling!

I listened to Scott Pape on Triple M, talking about 'Housing affordability" and got a bit worried, but this area is still doing well and it cant hurt to try. I am willing to give the agent a go at getting what she thinks for our house.

Not sure how we will go getting a deposit for the new one, but that is not today's problem.

Happy Saving!