Thursday, August 7, 2014

No. 6 Money saving (stretching) efforts

Another post with a lag in between, it happens semi regularly around here...

This week I have;

  1. Stuck to the menu plan. My menu plan is working really well & has saved me wondering 'what's for dinner'. Its in a folder in the kitchen & I check it regularly. I shop from it and can shuffle meals when need be as i know I have the food on hand to make everything on my plan for the week. I'm loving it! I'm spending less on food each week also as I am only buying what we need for our meals that week.
  2. I have left the washing on the line! I had washed some towels that I used to dry the floor (after the dishwasher leaked) and some cloths we use for cleaning & i left them on the line until they were fully dry. Simple and it saved me time & effort trying to dry the large towels indoors. 
  3. I bought a bag of Aldi bi carb soda to use as my laundry spot cleaner. I make it into a paste with a little water or (for a nastier stain) washing liquid & then apply with an old toothbrush. It works really well. The only thing it is yet to remove is paint from Art that mister 8 got on his sleeve, yet I work on it each time it gets washed (which is weekly) and I think its fading.
  4. Borrowed books from the library! We love our local library & regularly resere items and go there at least weekly. My kids are avid readers & I love audio cd's & reading too, it saves us a bomb. I only buy items that I will refer back to or need to study for longer than the library borrowing period. Right now I am into Louise Hay and Stephen Covey, they have lots of their titles. Lucky me!
  5. I fill a bucket daily with weeds from my garden & give it to the chickens. My garden & myself are enjoying the attention and the chooks are providing us with gorgeous eggs each day. From our 6 hens we are now getting 6 eggs a day. How wonderful, they are lovely to watch too.
  6. I have watched a little less TV of an evening & have done surveys in attempt to earn a little extra cash. I usually get $25 a month from Pure Profile & that goes straight onto the mortgage to help pay it off.

    Happy savings!
    PS all photos are from the web.

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