Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Feelings, oohh...feelings.

Today I want a smaller mortgage but would not like to move.
Yesterday I did not want to sell at all & refused to talk to the real estate agent when she rang.
She was returning my call.

What is up with me?

I have been spending some more time outdoors as it is spring and the apricots are forming on the tree, my sons apple tree has lots of blossoms and the vegies are looking faabulous.

When I lie awake of the morning or night I worry about money, and ability to meet our obligations. At time I have felt anxious that we may suffer loss due to the real estate bubble bursting. But then I remember that we will also buy in the same market, so its affects will be both positive an negative for us, I think.

There has been no interest in our house for a while & we have not had an open for a few a few weeks. Apparently, things will pick up after the grand final! Now I have heard everything, unless, of course, if it turns out to be true. I guess I'll just have to wait & see. Grand final coincides with the end of term 3 for school and the start of daylight saving begins the following week, spring is the expected time for real estate to move & shake.

Our lovely neighbors, whom our children play with, move to a new area next week. They will be sorely missed!

Savings notes.

Spent quite a bit less on groceries this week to stay within my monthly budget. I ate leftover rice with satay sauce & pineapple chunks for lunch, followed by home brand milk arrowroot biscuts...what a bland lunch. But it kept me going until dinner, which was nice!
Been having quite a few no spend days and have spent only $7 so far on school holiday activities. We are going to the Melbourne Show this coming Monday so that will another $63 at least, but money well spent I believe.

I am getting into the groove with spending less, I can tell, because I reserved a book I'd like to read at the library. The telling sign is that I am 21st in line to read it! It will read the same now or sometime in the new year. I like the patience and sense of self worth that comes from taking charge of y spending, it feels really good to know that our little changes have lead us to dollars in the bank & better options.
Makes every choice worth it!'

Happy saving!

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