Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Did I make any progress in the lst 24 hours?


  1. By buying sugar for jam with a giftcard.
  2. Picking wild blackberries on the road side for jam.
  3. Making my own jam at about $0.60 a jar instead of buying jam at $4 a jar.
  4. Borrowing a book from the library for bookclub rather than buying it.
  5. Doing a survey for 90 points and a uick poll for 10 points on WDYT (1 point is 1 cent & redeemable for cash).


  1. By also buying a 2 bags of chips when I went & bought the sugar.
  2. Leaving appiances on standby rather than press the button that takes them off, which we bought. 

Thats the way it goes... or does it?

That is typically the way I function and therefore I haven't made much progress despite many varying strategies to save money. I am learning along the way but would really like to be making progress. Our income has dropped some and we have made some changes but think that by being more consistent I could make some better progress, or at least that is one strategy that I haven't fully pursued.

I was thinking that I could use the survey money and reward cards to buy shares.
Putting the dollars earnt aside until I have enough to make another share purchase.
This idea didn't land in my head last night.
I had attempted this last year just before our income dropped but I didn't follow through as I thought we needed every dollar to live on.

Now I think I may have let that idea drop too easily.

Now I am ready to pick it up again starting from today.

I know I have $25 coming as I redeemed it only on Sunday, so that will be my start.

Feel like I am trying to squeeze more out of a dollar.

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