Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July!

Well it is Independence day somewhere, how sweet that will be when we are free from debt. We are free from debt at the moment, except the mortgage and I am pleased about that.

Today I read 2 page article in the Herald Sun and I just got DH to go fetch it from the recycle bin. The article was titled "Money fears push families to brink", and can be found on page 10 & 11 of the Herald Sun for 4th July 2011.
We don't buy the paper, it came with the nerty today at Scienceworks. So I was having a browse on the way home. They have a money and business liftout on a Monday too, which I have sometimes glanced at if i have been at my Mum's of a Monday.

This article is ridiculous. I found no helpful information in it. The above mentioned headline is for 4 separate article to do with finance related topics ranging from mortgage rates to takeaway food.
The examples given are somewhat flimsy and I didn't read of any genuine signs of hardship. Worst case reported was that they were having take away food less often, o please!

They cashed in on fear & linked in an article on depression too! Not taking control of your finances is depressing. Feeling like you deserve everything even when you dont have the money to meet that desire is depressing.

In one section titled "Super pinch" Karen Collier says that "Struggling victorians want access to their super earlier despite worries about the size of their nest egg." So people want to spend it now & fuel more worry about later, without actually doing anything to ensure later is OK. Sounds stupid to me!

What about work a plan to grow your nest egg and get control of your finances now, and avoid worry all together. Replace worry and possible depression with a plan. But that sounds too easy! Surely I don't have enough money already to even think about building a retiement nest egg, do I? Why not? Are you overspending?

If only 15% of readers stick to a budget then 85% potentially wasting money and have no idea where.

All of the things Karen says that people are reviewing are non essential, is that newsworthy?

When I saw the spread initially I thought it may be helpful and have some good tips, even just a good read. But no, all little bits of infomation thrown together haphazardly in attmept to make a news item of a hot topic. Thumbs down from me.

I did learn that the Resrve Bank board meets tomorrow, July 5th, but some expect rates to stay the same and some don't. Great article, I think not.

Where i live I and peek into the trolleys of other shoppers I see chips, soft drink and masses of pet food & I see juice too.

Perhaps I think I am trying harder than other people even though I don't really know what they are doing. Well I am; sticking to a written budget, where every dollars is given a job on paper before the start of the month; turning off applicances at the wall when they are not being used; saving vegetable peel to make pet food; growing my own vegetable; shopping from a list weekly; menu planning but only as of the last fortnight; shopping around for the best price on insurance; collecting rewards points without a credit card; composting; keeping our own chickens for eggs; buying plain label food where appropriate rather than pay more for branded items; making all my food from scratch; and using up whatever finds its way into my pantry; I bought a 2nd drying rack and no longer use the clothes dryer at all. That is all I can think of at the moment. I am sitting here with a beanie and a warm wheat bag on my lap as it is a cold winter night.

Today I; got a free herald Sun with the admission price into Scienceworks; saved vegie scraps for Molly Stew; took lunches and snacks with us on our outing; got a free cup of hot water when I bought DH a coffee (he paid); had lunch when I got home, actually it was early dinner; and I read an article that really annoyed me due to its lack of information. "Simple Saving" has much better content than the Herald Sun, but I did already know that!

Oh, I also have attempted to make a splint from a sock & a cut up meat tray to stop me making a fist in my sleep. I have been using a bandage & 2 icy pole sticks but I hope this works better. The sticks dig in and are uncomfortable.

I am enjoying this journey and the creativity it brings out. We had a good day today and have a full program again tomorrow.

Good night!

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