Saturday, July 2, 2011


I have been reading minimalism blogs for a while, becuase I find them interesting and inspiring. I have decluttered, but could always do more...even if my family don't think so.
I had my hair cut today and the hairdresser got to telling me about her Great Aunt. I won't go into all the drama but she mentioned a couple of noteworthy things about the Great Aunt, one that she had money and two that even though she has always been a single lady she chose to live frugally.
Could I enjoy a frugal life? I do like to be creative, often because I have to due to making something from nothing. But as a way of life, is that something worthy of pursuit? This Great Aunt has been able to help family financially over the years. She has consistently been a source of financial backing & resource. That sounds like a noble calling.
In our talk of moving I came to a place in me that is wildly discontent with where I live, not just how much it costs to live here and how long in takes to clean. Is that something I need to make provision for, I don't think so.

Surely life can be rich and fulfilling without spending lots of money on stuff.

Today I made chocolate pudding and some chocolate crunchie biscuts after turning the oven on to make the boys dinner. I planted cos lettuce seedlings I have raised and used worm castings from DS's worm farm to encourage their growth. I have been working on using up camomile tea and nori sheets from the pantry, made meals more intersting. I have some other items that I'll discover I'm sure.

I also realise after reading a newsletter from Scott Pape that I need to read our mortgage documents to check out what our early exit fees are, we may have to wait a little. I need to read them.

Another great washing day. A friend gave me a small bottle of an amway solution for removing greasy stains, it works brilliantly. I used it on a top that was otherwise going in the compost & the stain is completly gone, I am impressed. Got 3 loads dry today in the sunny breezy weather. I have not used the dried for a while now. I invested $25 in a 2nd drying rack, and I make the effort to finish things off inside under heating vents. Every bit helps.

I am going to put up some flyers and get some ironing work. I need to get some income flowing and I hope to put up a flyer or two tomorrow, and apply for Bunnings.

Happy Saving!

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