Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Well a batch of fatigue or extreme tiredness has hit me this last few days & I have gone to bed when I would have been blogging. That said, onto a new post.


My husband plays golf and has had a membership at a local course for about 3 years. Last year we moved. Then we realised we needed to be smarter with our money. That same 'local' course is now a 30 minute drive away and the membership is about the dearest bill we have, so it got cut. Ouch. He mourned & moped but after some time without golf at all, about 10 days, he is joining one that is about 10 minutes away that is about half the cost of the other one.
Worst of all he got a speeding fine on his way to his final game at the (not so) 'local' one. Double ouch!

This way I can give him his golf money monthly and he can pay it when it is due, without putting us into budget stress. Phew, all it took was nine months of him agonising over it and endlessly talking about it to finally come to a decision.

Nuts & Bolts

I have been reading the Tightwad Gazette, the ocomplete one that is almost a thousand pages! I have gleaned a few tips but mostly I feel encouraged in my frugal lifestyle, its good to know that I am not alone.

I didn't venture out today, though I was tempted to go & get some chocolate that I saw on special. I didn't... I ate the remaining fruit rings instead, but I still want chocolate, I think I can make a dairy free hot choc from the pantry!
I made a big batch of Molly stew, I vacuumed (in attempt to distract myself), I did the ironing and surfed the net!!
Am heading out tomorrow, will go to the library while the boys at sculpture lesson I have DVD's to return.
I also gave something away on Ziilch, a website that is similar in concept to freecyclye. Google it!

Happy saving!

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